For further questions please contact the instructor to schedule an appointment for an interview lesson.

Studio Policies


Biography:  Dr. Tsai was born in Taiwan on August 18th, 1962.  She is the eighth child of Doctor Luke Tsai, a prominent psychiatrist.  She began playing the piano at a very young age.  Her formal piano lessons with a teacher began at age 8.  She immigrated to the United States in 1974.  In Los Angeles, California, she studied with numerous world class musicians. Some of her piano teachers include Steward Gordon (, Malcolm Hamilton (, Eduardo Delgado (, Robert Ward, Paul VanNess, Bernardo Segall (a student of Ziloti, who was a student of Franz Liszt. Bernardo was also a film composer for Columbia Pictures), and Adrian Ruiz (   
She holds a Doctorate in piano performance and pedagogy  (with a secondary degree in Music Theory and Composition),  and a Master of Music from the University of Northern Colorado.  She has a Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance from the University of Southern California.

Teaching Philosophy

Piano Education:  Playing the piano skillfully and artfully is a long term project.  It does not happen over-night.  Like schooling, getting better at the piano requires a daily routine.  Once you grasp these habits playing becomes a pleasure. Practicing is the responsibility of the STUDENT.  So, discipline yourself and reward your own hard work. The effect of music lessons is a phenomenon that develops a learner’s mind, personality and character.  Your investment will grow into something greater than a luxurious birthday gift.  The fruit of your labor will become apparent, and your reward is lifelong. The biggest part of playing the piano is learning to hear the possible tones produced by the strings from your touch of the keys.  When practicing, listen to the tones and pitches of the instrument.  As a result, you will develop a keen sense of hearing and good taste for music.  Create a relaxing home environment for yourself so you can meditate on music.  Do not crowd your life with so many activities that you run out of energy to focus during your practice time.


Here are links to some of my publications

Lessons in Keyboard Essentials (Piano performance/theory text)

Thank You Mommy (a choral song)

Robert Scholz, An Influential Pedagogue